Presented at Q Station
3225 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
9:00 to 10:00AM Light breakfast and networking
10:00AM to 11:50PM Rio Grande Research SLAM
11:50AM to 1:00PM Lunch and networking
Parking guidance: Free parking is available at "Premium Parking - P4747." You can find it using the following links: Google Maps | Apple Maps. If the parking garage/lot is full, please seek alternative parking options.
Passcode: 2024
October 31st, 2024
Three winners will be selected from each of the four Southwest Region Research Institutions (Air Force Research Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory) to compete in the Rio Grande Research SLAM.
Individual eligibility criteria for the local event are set by the participating Southwest Region Research Institutions .
Rules for Final Live Presentations
All winners (First prize, Second prize, Third prize, and People’s Choice award) will be decided at the live event.
Only one static PowerPoint slide is permitted. The slide will enhance the presentation, but it is not the focus of the contest.
Contestants will select a 10-second clip of a song they would like played as they are introduced.
Presentations will be limited to three minutes. Competitors exceeding three minutes will lose points on their presentation.
The slide is to be presented from the beginning of the talk.
Presentations must be made on the stage at the live event.
No additional media (e.g., sound or video files) are permitted in the slide.
No props (e.g., costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.
There will be no more than one judge representing each individual Research Institution. Other participating judges will be selected and agreed upon by the Rio Grande Research SLAM organizing committee. The judges’ choices are final and binding.
The winner of the People’s Choice award will be determined by an online poll only to members of the audience at the live event. Each attendee will be allowed to vote only once. If the People’s Choice award winner is the same as the First, Second, or Third prize winner, that individual will receive both. In the event of a tie, the judges will deliberate to make the final decision(s).
Download the judging criteria by
Videotaping of Live Event
The Rio Grande Research SLAM live event will be photographed, streamed, and recorded. By entering the contest, you agree to allow the use of the resulting photographs and/or video, which may include your image or presentation, in publicity surrounding the contest and/or in other contexts, such as website, promotional materials, etc.
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